Saturday, December 10, 2011

Horny 72 Virgins Waiting for you!!!!!

..meanwhile in some remote corner of Pakistan…..

Fidayeen 1: So the day has come when our rigorous training has come to an end, we have mastered every weapon known to man and have eschewed fear of death….it is time fellow brother that we strike down the heathen and unfaithful with the full fury of God’s Justice…..

Fidayeen2: what?? Training over!!! So soon….man..we are so hard-core!!! now what??

Fidayeen1: Now it’s time we receive glory…..tell me dear brother on which shores should we be martyred….Should it be the country of the Zionists who have long oppressed our brothers in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria…or should we avenge the cowards who murdered our brothers in Bosnia & Kosovo, or should we strike the weakened puppet states of the great Satan….or should I dare say we take on the Great Satan itself on its homeland….muahahahahaha…!!!!!

Fidayeen2: Have you completely lost it Fidayeen1 or playing stupid to piss me off.., when you have oppressed Kashmiris in your backyard and trains to take you to the heart of the infidel state, why are you thinking of a logistical nightmare??.....Let’s go and detonate some IEDs and go on a shooting spree in India…..if we get away with it we score major brownie points here…..if we get caught we get to wine and dine your entire life on Indian taxpayer money…get celebrity status… get clemency in the near future…probably get returned in exchange for rich honeymooners..let’s catch the morning train…Fidayeens need not buy tickets….we’ll get the fidayeen quota seats in first class…

Fidayeen1: are you shitting me…..C’mon..that is for losers…what about the martyrdom…the 72 virgins…the grace of the lord and the whole ninety-nine yards…did you bunk the “martyrs with benefits” educational film??

Fidayeen2: you see that is the problem with you, It seems in addition to being an uneducated horny adolescent you are unaware of concepts of management..this is the new age ..we only talk win-win, Getting Blown away, or riddled with heathen bullets will land you in God Heaven with 72 (assuming female)Virgins and a glowing Martyr status back in Pakistan. Getting caught will land us in the Heathen Heaven where with the right connections one can enjoy free food drink and even more than 72 confirmed females although not virgins per se...while the faithful back home ennoble us in in a way you can have your Pheerni and it it too. And if any one of them conservative Indian sonsofbitches try to expedite our trials we will have big intellectuals to gaurd our Human Rights.

Fidayeen1: Human Rights? Intellectuals?!! what are these!!!

Fidayeen2: Never mind, they are our pals in heathen country..

Fidayeen1: as usual brother you have convinced me, you have led me back from the strayed path....let us go avenge some of our dear kashmiri brothers..and think Win-Win....yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Winds of the Maghreb

1960's America saw the youth discovering Cannabis, LSD and a whole panoply of abbreviations that blasted away the mind to far off galaxies in one hit, compounded with the "Niggers" asking for their rights as equal citizens of USA and the fast snowballing situation in Vietnam set ablaze a whole new cultural phenomenon that challenged the post war dream of the mighty Allies. And it wasn't limited to just the US...the whole western block was affected by the infectious ideas, the music, the sex, the culture and the "youth in revolt"........

Gloss over the momentous falls of walls, toppling of statues and a few grisly wars to the present and you find a similar fire raging just East of the Atlantic...what started by the self immolation of a fruit seller has gripped asbestos nations in its contagion....gone are the rock songs the free sex and psychedelics, gone are the celebrities and the rush to milk the phenomenon....and gone are the days of Flower Power....what remains are the long lip-serviced ideas of Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, what remains is a deep rooted anger frustration and cynicism for The Man..what remains are chants, social network activity, sarcasm and general vitriol aimed at The Man...what remains is a leaderless mob that is not afraid of shedding blood of its own as well as the enemy...what remains is a beast in a fragile, weary cage...

At the risk of being labelled Naive, what has instilled a sense of Optimism in the recent developments of the Arab Spring  is the absolute leaderless protest of its people. Their is no "Leader of the Opposition" for the establishment to talk to, to Bribe, to Entice or to Coerce...the Angry Mob is as individualistic in the same way that they are in the social network sphere..Each profile disseminating its own idea but creating a social network which more and more people are free to join. The Objectives are pretty clear, the means engaged  are improvised and the determination resolute as ever....but with only one difference:  if "the beasts of England" are able to chase out the Farmer, it is pretty clear that even Napoleon and his ilk will not have their say for a long time if they keep doing their shenanigans

In less Animal Farm terms :- Even if in Egypt and Tunisia and the other states where the overthrow and the process of democratization gets underway & western fears of a hardline Islamist government taking charge becomes a reality, one should be rest assured that the hardliners would probably fail and be deposed in a similar manner by a big angry mob if they fail to serve the mandate of the now the powers that be are face to face with the people..because the Big Angry mob is leaderless...they are driven by hunger of their bellies, knowledge of their intellect and the countless binary signals emitting out of wall sockets and towers..the nervous geek, the blue collared construction worker & the kindergarten teacher has teamed mullah or ummah or priest or pontiff can fool them....demands of roti, kapda and makaan is followed by bandwidth and good governance.

As the winds of Inquilab move over the Maghreb, it blows north, it blows east, no Himalayas, Urals or Alps to check it.....Discontent and Disgruntlement is rife...and it does not have a face...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday Morning Blues

zzzzzzzzzzzz........The buzzer goes off, it's 9'o' clock in the morning & am awoken by the rather unpleasant ring of my trusted alarm clock.
As the world of my room swims into my senses slowly, I am overtaken by a sense of loss, am being deprived of a basic human comfort, a feeling of disenchantment from the present state of affairs, a sense of being amputated from a well-nourished body.
A desperate urge to bury myself deep within the sheets takes over my fragile saturnine mind...job, responsibilities, boss, clients, the devil with all of them. While I remain lying in a state of semi consciousness...a plane between stupor and awakening incredible visions race through my mind. A free exchange of conscious and unconscious thought, memories, reality, semi processed facts conjuring up a vivid, detailed, nonsensical flow of ideas. The movie plays on in the theatre of my saturnine psyche.........
I remained ensconced in the fantastic world with no hunger, no friction, no recession, no -isms, no AIDS, no commitments, no work schedules, no taxes, no bills, no anger, no politics.....I keep falling down Alice's Rabbit Hole...with no end in sight
And then the snooze alarms go off.......chasing away the phantoms of my imagination.....the Magic Show ends and am thrown upon the jagged shores of reality!!!