Friday, January 13, 2012

All Hail the Chinese Democracy!!!!

"and when I get excited,
my little China girl says
Oh Baby just you shut your mouth"
crooned David Bowie some 34 years back. Strangely it seems that many in India have taken a shining to the China Girl..well almost to her. 
I cannot comment whether they are infatuated with Chinese girls or girls that are as fragile as precious china, but one thing that I can say is that they have fallen for China hook, line and sinker.And by "they" I refer to the people running the show called India...the politicians, the officials, and most importantly the judges.
There are many reasons for falling in love with China, she is rich, successful, vibrant, extrovert and ebulient, efficient and meticulous in her endeavors, does not carry a lot of baggage, reaching out to her is easy, she smiles generously upon the indigent and welcomes one and all with open arms. And she is a control freak. She makes the rules and draws the lines, cross them and she is a cruel mistress.
That last part is what has captured the imagination of the Indian authority figures. The sheer fetish of being able to control, to enslave and to dominate is what turns them on.
The recent statements from a Judge in Delhi HC, the musings of the Science and Technology minister corroborate the above mentioned statement.
First came the vitriol from our honorable Science & Technology minister who had probably first stumbled across the internet by accident and upon seeing some objectionable content on some sites decided to go all Tom Cruise-Minority Report style by summoning the top Internet start-up executives and telling them to "pre-screen" content. Such dedication to the sycophantic cause was received by criticism from all quarters of educated and over-educated people, twitter nerds went all Tom Cruise-Top Gun style and catapulted #idiotkapilsibal to most trending for some time, a surge that minister saab does not enjoy even in polls. After  dropping the $35 Aakash tab, hiss highness the honorable minister has gone into stealth mode and has called in his legions of mandarins to wage low intensity skirmishes.
And now this. For the "care to click" impaired a Delhi High Court judge said "Like China, we can block all such websites (who don't comply). But let us not go to that situation"
Just when I thought the courts were the last bastions for defending the freedom of expression of the people, statements like these well do cast a doubt on the way things might go down in Chinatown(bad pun intended).
My two bit take on the statement is - Mi Laard...please get yourself acquainted with how the Internet works.
I am pretty sure that the googler-lawyer, facebooker-attorney and the other websiter-defenders have driven home the fact that online content censorship(especially not hosted on their site) is as feasible like turning literal shit into metallic gold or for the mechanical engineering inspired a 100 percent efficient heat engine.

Sure the images of Her Highness, the Empress of India photoshopped on Katrina Kaif/Sunny Leon etc are pretty disturbing and offensive(for the actresses) and also the occasional pondy clips coming up on the profiles of morons who click on links like " OMG Real video of Kareena Kapoor and Pappu Pager doing it" and yeah some dumb bastard puts bikinis on Lakshmi ji, but hey you always have a mark as spam, report video/image/post etc. If in some remote part of the world some guy wears a T-shirt with the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Axis:Bold as Love cover design on it can a ban on T shirts in India be justified?...taking this a bit further suppose his friend decides to photograph him and share the pic via FB, and somehow the pic goes viral (probably our subject is non other than Rajnikant) would this amount to ethnic cleansing of Jimi Hendrix fans in India, or would Trimurti's wrath ravage the believers and non believers alike??

But again national security & integrity is a cause of concern for us all, Pakistan and China are no fiends as compared to these objectionable websites. With organisations and Individuals like the MNS, Shiv Sena, Dar-ul-uloom, Shri Ram Sene, Huriyat, Congress, SP, BSP, RJD, Lalu, Paswaan, Mulayam, Thakre's,  Mayawati and their type working round the clock to preserve the Union of India acting as vangaurds of internal peace and stability. How dare these foreign tech startups, these new media steam roll in and turn the magnum opus of these political luminaries into mere dust and grime. How dare these nimble, fast and creative agencies empower commoners when we had promised an empowered tomorrow, 60 years back (it is not our fault that tomorrow never comes!!), how dare they provide opportunities to bright minds to reach their potential by providing avenues for  education and employment and how dare these companies provide these inept, unruly commoners a platform to voice dissent and question authority??!!!!


Damn these internet companies to the seventh is because of them that we are having so many problems!!!

Off with their heads!!!!!
(thank you!!! come again!! with more investments!!!!)

Orwell will be rolling on the ground somewhere laughing and saying "I told you so"

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